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WLA 9. Creation of the World Environment Ministry to deal with global


WLA 9. Creation Of The World Environment Ministry To Deal With Global

Global Ministry of Environment

Short title: Environment Ministry


Thirty-four years after the first United Nations Conference on the Environment, held at Stockholm, Sweden, in 1970, many global environmental problems are evident, and some of them are worsening progressively;

There are serious problems in our world in terms of:

  • Lack of industrial safety;
  • Pollution;
  • Improper selection of technology;
  • Unequal distribution of the benefits of technological development;

Many problems of the environment affect humanity as a whole, for example:

  • Deforestation,
  • Loss of top soil,
  • Acid rain and snow,
  • Worsening climate,
  • Increase of carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere,
  • Ozone depletion,
  • Toxic wastes,
  • Extinction of species,
  • Noise pollution,
  • Degradation of mountains,
  • Widespread hunger, resulting from agricultural disruptions,
  • Pollution of major river systems,
  • Export of hazardous wastes and pollutants to the “third world”.

The Earth is the only world we have, and environmental problems disregard boundaries;

Most problems of the environment are supra national, and therefore require a global or trans-national approach to identify and find solutions to those problems of the environment which need to be solved on a global basis, and by the provisional World Parliament.

The Earth Federation must protect Nature for its unique value in the health and recovery of humans.


Article 1.

  • This third session of the provisional World Parliament hereby establishes a Global Ministry of Environment. The Global Ministry of Environment (GME) is authorized to do the following:
    • Identify the major issues of environment disruptions and problems;
    • Monitor environmental dangers;
    • Solve world environmental problems on a global or transnational scale;
    • Co-ordinate all efforts before problems and situations become irreversible;
    • Identify the major causes of animals and plants becoming extinct;
    • Identify possible preventions and remedies to threats of extinction; and
    • Implement remedies and preventive measures to prevent extinctions.

Article 2.

  • The Global Ministry of Environment shall work with agencies of the Integrative Complex to solve Global Environmental Problems according to the following directives:
    • The increase of carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere
      • The GME shall coordinate with the World Hydrocarbon Resource Board to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. The GME shall plan large-scale measures to control pollution, and to protect the eco-system as the basis of human existence;
      • Until the Energy Ministry is established, the GME shall receive plans, including grant proposals for sustainable solar, hydrogen, electromagnetic, biological and other energy sources;
      • The GME will coordinate with the Emergency Earth Rescue Administration and the Agency for Technological and Environmental Assessment for the world-wide program of re-forestation and afforestation, with emphasis on fast growing trees having economic value, avoiding monocultures;
      • The GME shall report semi-annually to the World Executive on the Emergency Earth Rescue Administration actions to re-mineralize forest lands to promote and protect the healthy growth of all forests.
    • Oceans
      • This Act re-confirms international convention regulations that tankers carrying oil must be doubly protected, unless legally emptied and withdrawn from use. The GME shall report semi-annually to the World Oceans and Seabeds Authority regarding commercial and government compliance with oil tanker regulations.
      • The GME shall work with the Commission for Legislative Review to draft world legislation that sewage from cities must be adequately treated before discharged into rivers and oceans. The plan shall include estimates for Earth Federation subsidies of municipal sewage treatment systems for cities and populated areas that have not been able to develop adequate sewage treatment systems under national and international programs.
      • The GME shall work with the Commission for Legislative Review to draft world legislation to fully protect from harmful exploitation the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
      • The oceans and seabeds are the property of all humanity, under jurisdiction and management of the World Oceans and Seabeds Authority (WOSA). The GME shall coordinate with the WOSA to ensure the protection of the oceans and seabeds.
      • The GME will coordinate with the Emergency Earth Rescue Administration and the Agency for Technological and Environmental Assessment for the world-wide program of ocean and lake re-mineralization, with emphasis on blends of minerals that encourage phytoplankton growth of species that do not cause de-oxyfication of the oceans, lakes and atmosphere. The GME shall report semi-annually to the World Executive on the Emergency Earth Rescue Administration actions to re-mineralize the oceans , including reports on oxygen levels of both the ocean and atmosphere at numerous recording points.
      • The GME shall coordinate with the WOSA to otherwise protect the oceans and seabeds against pollution;
    • Forests
      • The GME shall recommend the particular assortment of properly selected trees and plants to the Emergency Earth Rescue Administration (EERA) in the massive world-wide reforestation and afforestation program, being careful not to upset the eco-system The GME will assess the impact of native and introduced species in the operations of the EERA, to reduce harmful interactions in the EERA operations. The GME shall assess the effect on both local native flora and local native fauna. When feasible, the GME will recommend native flora. However, in cases where extinction prevents reintroduction of native species, the GME may recommend use of introduced species, if introduced species do not further damage the ecology.
      • Until the Energy Ministry is established, the GME shall work with the Commission for Legislative Review to draft world legislation to assist people who depend on trees for fuel to transition to non-hydrocarbon energy sources, in order to avoid excessive cutting of trees for firewood, and burning of brush for kindling or clearance. The GME shall encourage composting of brush, rather than the burning of brush, unless composting interferes with natural fire cycles required for ecosystem sustenance;
      • The GME shall coordinate with other agencies of the Earth Federation to promote family planning as part of the global development program;
    • Acid Rain
      • The GME shall determine pollution control standards in manufacturing to reduce oxides of nitrogen and sulphur; The GME shall plan large-scale measures to control pollution, and to protect the eco-system as the basis of human existence.
      • The GME shall determine pollution control standards and measures to control and eliminate causes of acid rain in transportation. In particular, the GME shall assess full costs of hydrocarbon combustion, to eliminate hydrocarbons as fuels, while there are still hydrocarbons available for lubricants and plastics for both present and future generations of people.
    • Mountains
      • This Act designates high mountains, such as the Himalayas, the Andes and the Alps, as Areas of World Protection. In particular, high mountains above the timberline, above the arable regions and above the regions customarily inhabited are under protection and jurisdiction of the Earth Federation.
      • The GME will monitor uses of high mountains to conserve and protect both the mountain environments and the areas downstream, which are of transnational concern.
      • This Act recognizes the value of certain high mountain areas in equatorial regions as potential sites for future spaceports. In particular, the equatorial Andean region is most suitable for spaceports. This Act discourages land speculation in this region. For the purpose of eminent domain for spaceport development, the Earth Federation will compensate landowners with title to no more than the current August 15th 2004 land value assessments on the market in the equatorial Andean area.
    • The Global Ministry of Environment shall protect endangered animals and plants;

    The Ministry shall use the various conservation categories of the International Union of Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (ICUN) [ed. World Conservation Union]; and Mace & Lande (1991);

Article 3.

  • Further Detailed Steps to be Taken
    • The GME shall determine the damage of used radiological, chemical and biological weapons and affected areas. The GME will attempt to develop technology to remove radiological, chemical and biological wastes from affected areas.
    • The GME shall coordinate with the World Disarmament Agency to sequester or render harmless radiological, chemical and biological materials to protect the environment.
    • The Ministry of Environment will coordinate with a Space Administration to protect the environment, including the environment of outer space, the moon, asteroids and planets. The provisional World Parliament or World Parliament will establish the Space Administration under separate legislation.
    • The GME may coordinate or cooperation with environmental organizations and governmental authorities to exchange information;
    • The Global Ministry of Environment may coordinate with the environmental agencies of the United Nations system.
    • In coordination with the World University System, and in particular with the Institute on Governmental Procedures and World Problems, the GME may establish training centers;
    • The GME shall develop and implement energy conservation, recycling and energy-equivalency standards so that energy will be saved;
    • The GME shall work with the Commission for Legislative Review to draft world legislation to conserve and distribute surplus agricultural food stocks, such as in the USA and the European Community. Until a Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Nutrition is developed, the GME shall monitor food stocks. The GME may permit destruction of spoiled crops only. Intentional destruction of surplus agricultural food stocks without a permit is prohibited (class 3 felony). The world legislation shall include provisions to prevent food surplus distributions from disrupting local economies.
    • The GME may monitor wet-lands to protect from industrial uses, and from developmental encroachment. This Act recognizes the international convention for the protection of wetlands.
    • The GME shall work with the Commission for Legislative Review to draft world legislation to give preference to the use of trains and buses as means of public transport;,

Article Four

  • Guidelines for the Specific Action Program of the Ministry of Environment
    • This Act promotes environmental education at every level of society in cooperation with the Ministry of Education.
    • Developers and governmental agencies shall select appropriate technology, whether large or small, for development projects.
    • A major project is defined as a development activity that might adversely affect the global environment on a large scale, such as the building of a large dam on a major transnational river, or the enlargement of port facilities on a seacoast. The mining of hydrocarbons is a major project, unless the hydrocarbons retrieved are naturally at the surface. This Act requires prior environmental assessment for any major project that may affect the global environment. Utilizing public or private funds for any major project that may affect the environment without first obtaining environmental assessment is unlawful (class 3 felony). This Act requires permits from the GME for major projects. Beginning or continuing a major project without a GME permit is unlawful (class 3 felony) Projects that begin or are already continuing within 12 months of the adoption of this world legislation are special cases that the GME may address outside of World Court.

    The GME shall work with the Commission for Legislative Review to draft world legislation to regulate major projects.

    This Act promotes selection of appropriate technology for development projects, whether major projects or small scale projects;

    • The establishment of an international conservation agency under the Ministry of Environment must include a program and standards for the recycling of materials;
    • Each session of the provisional World Parliament shall revise the action program of the Ministry of Environment. The GME shall deliver an annual report at each session, or at least annually.

Article Five

  • Creation of the Global Ministry of Environment

Within three months after the approval of this Act by the provisional World Parliament, the Global Ministry of Environment shall begin operation. The Environment Ministry has the authority to supervise the determinations and implementation of this Act. The Environment Ministry is responsible to the provisional World Parliament, as well as to the provisional World Cabinet.

The GME shall receive assessments from the Agency for Technological and Environmental Assessment and other agencies of the Integrative Complex.

Article Six

  • Composition of the Global Ministry of Environment

    This Act composes a Governing Council for the Global Ministry of Environment of from 15 to 95 Trusteeship Council Members, composing a Council of which a maximum of 32 members may come from any single continent of Earth, and a maximum of 12 members from any single country. At no time can more than one-third of the Council members be from any single continent.

    • The provisional World Parliament shall nominate six Parliamentary Members;
      • Each Agency of the Integrative Complex shall nominate one member, for a total of 7 Agency Members from the Integrative Complex;
      • The Attorneys General Office and the World Ombudsen shall each nominate one member;
      • The first 25 nations to preliminarily ratify or finally ratify the Earth Constitution may each nominate a Member. After more than 25 countries have accepted Lines of Credit, then for the election of successive terms for Directors, each national government shall nominate one candidate and the total of 25 Directors shall be elected by a combined vote of the national governments.
      • Each of the twenty World Electoral and Administrative Regional Ministers shall appoint a Member;
      • The first 35 non-national sources of funding to the Earth Federation Funding Corporation eligible to name a Director to the EFFC, may also name a Trusteeship Council Member. After more than 35 non-national sources have accepted Lines of Credit, then for the election of successive terms for Directors, each no-national source shall nominate one candidate and the total of 35 Directors shall be elected by a combined vote of the non-national sources. These posts continue until the full operative stage of world government, at which time the posts will sunset;
    • Trusteeship Council Members hold office for three years. Agencies, countries or organizations may re-elect Members.
    • By simple majority vote, the provisional World Parliament may expel Members for cause.
    • The original nominating agency, country or organization for Members fills respective vacancies in the Trusteeship Council.
    • The provisional World Parliament or World Parliament shall elect a Minister for Environment from among their own members. The Minister for Environment shall nominate a Senior Administrator from the Civil Service lists. If these lists have not yet been compiled, the Minister may make any appointment, subject to approval or disapproval by the simple majority vote of Trusteeship Council and the provisional World Parliament, voting separately.
    • The Trusteeship Council shall decide the further form of organization and the functions of the Global Ministry of Environment, in accordance with the aims and specifications of this Act, and in accordance with the Earth Constitution. The Trusteeship Council is responsible to the provisional World Parliament and to the provisional World Cabinet.

Adopted as world statutory code, World Legislative Act Number 9 by the third session of the provisional World Parliament, convened in conformance with Article 19 of the Earth Constitution, at Miami Beach, Florida, United States of America, in June 1987. Amendments were adopted at the eighth (2004) session of the Parliament.

Attested: Dr. Terence P. Amerasinghe, Barrister-at-Law, Secretary (1st & 3rd sessions)

Provisional World Parliament

Eugenia Almand, JD, Secretary

Provisional World Parliament